Monday, February 15, 2010

down the river.

the passing of a night where all that is in the room is freedom instantly becomes unforgettable.
where the light is only placed upon those that are worth seeing.
i am put into this mood of complete surrealism, a point where i see myself arriving to,
all i want to do is just soak in all the carelessness yet controlled actions of a spark that is so spontaneously unexpected.
the flag of warning, can't help but be raised.
i need to find a path, out.
out of cautiousness, out of hesitance.
with every moment that presents itself, i need to just jump.
and not be afraid of the fall.
cause all that is left from my overrated contemplated thoughts is that you have already slipped,
slipped straight through my fingers.
but the constant showing of your unfamiliar surprises,
lets me down.
knowing the strength of this once tightly tied rope, has quickly frayed and ripped
directly down the middle.
we take steps back that uncontrollably exists within our feet.
with the split sides of rope remaining on the ground,
all we both can do,
is just stare...
cause neither one of us can find that person who once
so lets just spare, to know
that we both have changed, cause thats fair.
all that was there,
has i guess just gone into the air.
... but the memories that lay,
will never be too far away.

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